The Land of the Sultan and the Castles

The boy and girl had already seen so much, but their journey was only really beginning.

They gingerly approached a new land where they could hear the delighted cries of children and smell the sweet scent of lollipops. They trudged through the green gates with the plastic arches, while the stern men and women pointed them toward the pink tower in the distance.

A pink castle kissed the sky, coated in what looked like pink marshmallow and coconut frosting. It must be a mirage they thought. How could a castle so large be made of sweets?

Unlike the other lands, the perils here were difficult to find. The sun shone brightly. The buildings were singing. The people smiled. Nodded. Danced.

As they rushed to enter this abundant land, they unwittingly fell under the Sultan’s spell. Lured by the bright colours and fluffy toys they became lost in a land with no start or finish. Their eyes glazed over, as the spell took its hold they gravitated to the red and black colours in the Far East wing of the Sultan’s abode.

“ELASTIGIRL,” the girl chanted.

The boy mirrored her cry, “SNAPPER!”
Time moved slowly. Unable to control themselves they clutched the red and black objects in desperation.

Elastigirl winked to the girl from beneath her shiny window, and whispered gently, “Follow me and you will be free.”

The girl obeyed, still under the Sultan’s trance. As she exited the Sultan’s cave into the light, the warmth returned to the girl’s eyes. She turned to the boy and shouted, “Elastigirl saved us from the Sultan”.

With Elastigirl by their side, the girl and boy walked more confidently through this land. This was the land of:

Flying elephants.

Dancing horses.

Racing cars.


Castles –  big and small.

As the sun began to tire, and their little legs began to slow, one last obstacle remained. The evil witch had captured Snow White. The girl and the boy knew they must confront the evil witch, and help Snow White. The boy was uncertain, but the girl urged him forward.

The girl stood tall. Her eyes wide open. She was ready for the challenge.

The boy made it to the dark forest and but he was unable to go on.

She turned to him, “Stay here, I will return for you when Snow White is free.”

So the boy crouched in the shadows of the trees, waiting for his sister’s return. The girl trudged on with out him.

She knew that courage meant doing things even when you are scared.

She did not flinch when the forest became darker. The evil witch’s traps did not deter her. She could see the crocodiles ahead. Wide-eyed she carried on.

The final hurdle.

The Boulder.

She heaved with all her might. The Boulder must have been twice her height. She heaved once. Twice. Thrice. The Boulder hurtled toward the evil witch. The girl heard the seven dwarves cheering nearby.

The girl broke the curse, and saved Snow White. Snow White’s kingdom became covered by a golden glow. Admiring the glow, the girl was reluctant to leave but she knew she could not stay, there were too many more adventures awaiting her.